Army Air Corps Tartan
The Army Air Corps was formed in 1957 on the foundations of the Glider Pilot Regiment formed in 1941, who were an elite British airborne forces unit of WWII. And also the Air Observation Post Squadrons of the Royal Artillery and Royal Air Force. The Army Air Corps is the combat aviation arm of the British Army. A fearsome combination of manoeuvrability and firepower makes the Army Air Corps one of the most potent of the Army’s combat arms. They are recognisable by their distinctive pale blue berets, worn with pride. View this range
The British Bulldog Tartan
WWII was Sir Winston Churchill’s ‘finest hour’, when his personal strength and determination in the face of a seemingly impossible task, inspired not only his own countrymen, but the entire free world! View this range
Parachute Regiment Tartan
On 22 June 1940 during WWII, Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote to the British Chief of Staff, directing the setting up of a Corps of at least 5,000 parachute troops, which would become known as the Parachute Regiment. Also known as The “PARAS” the regiment have earned their reputation for being Daring, Determined and Courageous. Heroic actions in Normandy, Arnhem, the Falklands and Afghanistan are cemented in Regimental folklore. The Parachute Regiment motto is “Utrinque Paratus” (Ready for Anything). View this range
Royal Navy Tartan
The history of the United Kingdom is the history of the Royal Navy. As an island nation the sea has always been a vital factor, it is the means of people arriving from overseas, a barrier to invaders and a highway for trade. From the 897 AD, Alfred vs The Danes sea battle to the 1982 Falklands War, with many a sea battle and two World Wars in between; The Royal Navy has transformed from wood, to steam to steel in successfully protecting our nation’s interests with pride. View this range
This is a quick way to see all our ranges, please click below on the range you wish to view:-
- Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Tartan Range
- Army Air Corps Tartan Range
- Bootneck 350 Tartan Range
- British Airborne Forces Tartan Range
- Corps of Royal Engineers Tartan Range
- Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment Tartan Range
- Educational and Training Services Tartan Range
- Felix EOD Mascot Tartan Range
- Fleet Air Arm Tartan Range
- General Staff Tartan Range
- Keep Calm and Carry On Tartan Range
- Lovat Range
- Mercian Regiment Tartan Range
- NHS – Northumbria Healthcare Tartan Range
- Parachute Regiment Tartan Range
- RAF 100 Tartan Range
- Ranger Regiment Tartan Range
- Rifles Regiment Tartan Range
- RMA Sandhurst Tartan Range
- Royal Artillery Tartan Range
- Royal Corps of Signals Tartan Range
- Royal Horse Artillery Tartan Range
- Royal Logistic Corps Tartan Range
- Royal Military Police Tartan Range
- Royal Navy Tartan Range
- Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Tartan Range
- Royal Welsh Tartan Range
- Royal Yorkshire Regiment Tartan Range
- SSAFA Tartan Range
- Suffragette Tartan Range
- The British Bulldog Tartan Range
- The Warrior Tartan Range
- UK Brave Tartan Range
- UK Fire and Rescue Service Tartan Range
- United We Conquer Tartan Range
- Welsh Guards Tartan Range