The range is inspired by Brigadier Lord Lovat, known to his friends as “Shimi” Lovat, who was born in 1911 and was commissioned into the Scots Guards.  However, when WWII began it was obvious that Lovat was destined to join a much more unorthodox fighting formation.  In 1940, the Army requested volunteers for the newly formed Commando Units and Lovat was amongst the first to apply! The tendency towards the Special Forces would seem to have been in Lovat’s blood because his first cousin was no less a man than David Stirling, who later famously founded the Special Air Service in North Africa.  For their exploits during the War, both Stirling and Lovat were personally singled out by Adolf Hitler as “Dangerous Terrorists”, and orders had been issued for them to be executed in the event of their capture!  Lovat’s flare for planning was unshakeable, a Canadian Officer once expressed the view that, Lord Lovat probably possessed the finest military brain of the War.  And Sir Winston Churchill described him as “The handsomest man to cut a throat!”

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